Dr. Fardad Fateri discusses how he looks for individuals who have the desire to be the best, and building a culture of ambition begins with identifying those who have the passion and competitiveness to succeed.
to our culture so out of the ten emails
I send in a month to all of you nine of
them are related to culture different
parts of it we deliberately talk about
culture a lot because everything that we
want all the expectations we have all
the numbers we look at all those results
we share on a daily basis are emerging
properties of culture so if we all of us
share the same values at the same level
and truly exercise them at necessary
levels results will manifest the
implementation of these values does that
make sense we talk about it a lot and
we're very deliberate in building a
culture that we want every organization
has a culture they may not even talk
about it they may not even know it
but every organization like every
country has a culture we have our own
I'm not saying our culture is the best
I'm not even saying it's good I'm not
saying it's bad but it's ours anyone who
comes here and wants to become
successful they need to embrace our
values and again I'm not saying these
are great values but they're ours right
so it's important to understand these
values make sure we live them we behave
them we share them and we make it a part
of everything that we do so we have lots
of components to our culture lots
but I want to focus on just a few today
ambition if your ambition that I see is
to be average forever you will not do
well it's just a prophecy that I have
there is nothing wrong with it right
there's nothing wrong with wanting to be
average and just wanting a job and if we
are not one of your top three priorities
in your life you won't do well here so
if you want to be a soccer coach
basketball coach tennis coach if you
have a hobby of underwater
basket-weaving in addition to dancing
and like if you have if we're number ten
you're not going to do well here I'm not
saying there's anything wrong with that
I'm just telling you the most ambitious
the people who really want to be the
best they're competitive they work hard
they're passionate but they want to grow
they want to grow do very well here is
telling you the secret right and all of
you are definitely that because you're
here ambition is important you know it's
like the other thing I always tell
people is you know I love consultants
right there are millions of them out
there but we don't have those jobs here
if your ambition is to be a consultant
advisor we don't have that
I'm not saying it's a bad profession
it's an excellent profession and I'm not
saying it's right or wrong but we don't
have that we want people here who get
the job done right people who take
charge and say this is my shop this is
my ice cream shop I own it and I'm going
to do whatever it takes to get it done
and my ambition is to be the best and my
ambition is to take the next step and
become better and bigger that's our
culture and whenever I interview people
I tell you I look for these things
because most people interviews they say
well you know after I designed a shuttle
I became an astronaut and after I became
an astronaut I trained other people to
build shuttles of course we say wow
that's amazing let's hire the person we
hire them two months later they can't
even draw a shuttle so
it is very difficult at IEC to hide you
know there are lots of organizations I
worked for 120 percent do all the work
the other 80% are just hiding you know
it's like oh so you walk around thinking
what does this person do what does that
person do you know and and we don't have
that seriously I mean do you all agree
there's no hiding there's a so if your
ambition is to start and hide ain't
gonna happen I promise you the reason
I'm telling you all this is not just for
you I want you to take this message back
you've gotta live these values every
single day through your behaviors right
because you have them
About the Author: Fardad Fateri
Dedicated to the advancement of student success, leadership development, and organizational excellence, Dr. Fardad Fateri has devoted his 30-year career to catalyzing innovation and transformation in American higher education.