Fostering a culture of competitiveness helps individuals achieve their very best. In this video, Dr. Fardad Fateri discusses the benefits to an organization where each member strives to be the best.
to our culture so out of the ten emails
I send in a month to all of you nine of
them are related to culture different
parts of it we deliberately talk about
culture a lot because everything that we
want all the expectations we have all
the numbers we look at all those results
we share on a daily basis are emerging
properties of culture so if we all of us
share the same values at the same level
and truly exercise them at necessary
levels results will manifest the
implementation of these values does that
make sense we talk about it a lot and
we're very deliberate in building a
culture that we want every organization
has a culture they may not even talk
about it they may not even know it
but every organization like every
country has a culture we have our own
I'm not saying our culture is the best
I'm not even saying it's good I'm not
saying it's bad but it's ours anyone who
comes here and wants to become
successful they need to embrace our
values and again I'm not saying these
are great values but they're ours right
so it's important to understand these
values make sure we live them we behave
them we share them and we make it a part
of everything that we do so we have lots
of components to our culture lots
but I want to focus on just a few today
competitiveness as friendly as everybody
else is here this is the most
competitive group of professionals I've
ever worked with
I am not kidding you all agree I am not
kidding when lists go out every day I
guarantee you whether its admissions
business office Sam's whether it's you
know collections education Career
Services student finance everybody goes
looks order name where am I today where
am i this week is that true or not and
if you're number one guess what you do
you go look at number two three four
five six
look at you poor suckers ah look where
you ended up but of course you know on
the calls yeah I got lucky this week
number two three four and five are much
better than I am you know deep down
inside these saying yes I am number one
and I deserve it and if you're number
five you know what you do darn it
next week I'm gonna move up because that
number one guy I have to prove to her
and to him I'm better this is the
culture do you agree do you agree we are
a competitive culture we are a very very
commercial than anywhere I've been right
About the Author: Fardad Fateri
Dedicated to the advancement of student success, leadership development, and organizational excellence, Dr. Fardad Fateri has devoted his 30-year career to catalyzing innovation and transformation in American higher education.