A humble organization is an organization that understands there is always more to learn. Dr. Fardad Fateri advises of overconfident companies that are blind to new opportunities and areas for growth.
to our culture so out of the ten emails
I send in a month to all of you nine of
them are related to culture different
parts of it we deliberately talk about
culture a lot because everything that we
want all the expectations we have all
the numbers we look at all those results
we share on a daily basis are emerging
properties of culture so if we all of us
share the same values at the same level
and truly exercise them at necessary
levels results will manifest the
implementation of these values does that
make sense we talk about it a lot and
Our Culture
we're very deliberate in building a
culture that we want every organization
has a culture they may not even talk
about it they may not even know it
but every organization like every
country has a culture we have our own
I'm not saying our culture is the best
I'm not even saying it's good I'm not
saying it's bad but it's ours anyone who
comes here and wants to become
successful they need to embrace our
values and again I'm not saying these
are great values but they're ours right
so it's important to understand these
values make sure we live them we behave
them we share them and we make it a part
of everything that we do so we have lots
of components to our culture lots
but I want to focus on just a few today
humility so this is one of I would say
the most misunderstood values Jim do you
agree yeah because you know what humble
means to most people is you know being a
little timid and you know people
associate more more social and
behavioral activities to humility but
when we talk about humility we talk
about making ourselves vulnerable
accepting the fact that we don't know it
all accepting the fact that we have a
lot to learn because what's the opposite
of humility arrogance and arrogance I
can tell you is the biggest curse that
there is and there is no place for it
here right humility allows you to become
vulnerable and vulnerability allows you
the opportunity to learn if you're not
vulnerable you will not be open to the
possibility of what could be you have to
open yourself up to learn if you're not
learning every day something you are
falling behind I have to tell you it is
my greatest fear every day that I don't
know enough and somebody I have to learn
something from somebody every day that's
why I read obsessively because I always
think there is so much I don't know and
the more I learned the more I realize
how much I don't know right because you
know what what you know but you don't
know what you don't know and the more
you learn you're thinking oh my god
there's so much I still don't know you
but if you're not humble you will not
accept the fact that there's so much
knowledge you need
to have so you have to continue to push
yourself to learn from the people around
you I'm not just talking about content
I'm talking about behavior I'm talking
about management skills I'm talking
people's skills I'm talking about
execution skills these are all learned
behaviors and humility also allows you
to grow because if you don't if you're
not humble you think you've arrived you
think look at the greatness before you
what is it you cannot see you know again
look at a lot of organizations out there
the ones that continue to grow have
leadership that are very humble how many
of you have heard of a company called
Amazon they have a CEO called Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos
you've heard of the name so this guy is
arguably one of the most innovative
leaders in the world today he improves
every day everything I see from him is
grounded in daily growth he started
Amazon as an online bookseller book
selling is not even part of their core
business now so having the ability to
reinvent yourself is a part of that
growth but you will never be able to do
that if you don't accept the fact that
you need to learn every day and that
comes from humility
do you understand how we use the term
humility here does that make sense Jim
have I articulated you know Jim is our
Jim Yosef
ambassador of culture at IEC so he's the
one who knows all this stuff better than
anybody else but humility allows you to
grow arrogance forces you to think
you're better than everybody else
even when you're not it blinds you it
puts that blindfold on and you think you
always think oh well I am almost
excellent how come I'm number 11 well
but if you exercise humility you're
thinking let me go call these people who
are ahead of me
let me ask them what they do every day
so you can learn from them let me go sit
with different people when you're humble
avenues open windows open when you're
arrogant you look for excuses
About the Author: Fardad Fateri
Dedicated to the advancement of student success, leadership development, and organizational excellence, Dr. Fardad Fateri has devoted his 30-year career to catalyzing innovation and transformation in American higher education.