Pride is what drives you to be ambitious, competitive, and hungry. The value of pride can move you toward your goals and can prevent you from being mediocre. Dr. Fardad Fateri discusses organizations that value pride as the number one driver for success.
to our culture so out of the ten emails
I send in a month to all of you nine of
them are related to culture different
parts of it we deliberately talk about
culture a lot because everything that we
want all the expectations we have all
the numbers we look at all those results
we share on a daily basis are emerging
properties of culture so if we all of us
share the same values at the same level
and truly exercise them at necessary
levels results will manifest the
implementation of these values does that
make sense we talk about it a lot and
we're very deliberate in building a
culture that we want every organization
has a culture they may not even talk
about it they may not even know it
but every organization like every
country has a culture we have our own
I'm not saying our culture is the best
I'm not even saying it's good I'm not
saying it's bad but it's ours anyone who
comes here and wants to become
successful they need to embrace our
values and again I'm not saying these
are great values but they're ours right
so it's important to understand these
values make sure we live them we behave
them we share them and we make it a part
of everything that we do so we have lots
of components to our culture lots
but I want to focus on just a few today
pride I tell you it is one of my most
favorite values and it has become even
more valuable to me recently than before
pride is what drives you to be ambitious
competitive and hungry pride is what
drives our students you know we did a
survey in our marketing department now
it's almost two years we did that survey
to understand why they're picking us
colleges FCC UI why are they choosing to
come to us what is it they want from a
short term program
what is that they covet what is their
ambition you know we had lots of
questions but we wanted to understand
the reasoning you know for the longest
time actually for my entire professional
I thought our students come to us to
finish school get a job start making
money I mean I was right about that it's
true right you all believe that right
but you know the reason for that it's
pride one of the things all of our
students said all of them I want to make
my parents proud I want to make my
children proud I want to be somebody I
want to become
and a contributing member of society and
my community these are all words that
talk about pride pride is the number one
driver for our students are for all of
us because our students could sit on the
couch and Yeun welfare they the amount
of money is not that different you know
the sacrifice they have to make to come
to us figure out childcare figure out
transportation and their money issues to
come to us it's significant but read the
stars all of you have on your campuses I
love reading those stars what students
make comments on there I tell you it's
all about pride you know we were at I
want to say to West Palm Beach campus a
year ago and we asked three students who
came to us and we wanted to talk to them
and we asked them why did you finally
pick Florida Career College and you know
what one of the students said to this
day it stuck with me she said I picked
you because you make me feel as tall as
everybody else on campus Wow
seriously that's what she said that's
pride right students want to feel they
matter you want to feel you matter don't
you feel great when your manager on
campus or your region comes and asks you
what do you think we should do here's a
problem how can we solve it together
don't you feel good about that because
you're prideful you want to matter
people at the end of the day want to
lead lives that matter do you agree it's
important focus on pride when I walk on
a campus and I see a clean passionate
upbeat high-energy campus I don't see a
clean campus I don't see a beautiful
campus I don't see a passionate campus I
see a campus with pride everything else
that comes out it's an emerging property
of that when you have pride it exudes
through your actions and your behaviors
does that make sense always try to look
for people around you that have pride
because people who have pride want to do
things with excellence now that we're at
the pinnacle leadership conference let
me tell you somebody who has incredible
pride Cory do you think anybody tells
Cory what to do never
never she wants a plus outcomes in
everything she does because she knows
she's representing me Sanjay and chakra
but also because she will never settle
for anything else herself
it's her pride and her accountability
because she is the biggest CEO of her
position right how many of you are that
way I guarantee you all of you because
you're here imagine if we had 2,000 team
members who were just like you it's
pride that separates people that's the
separator right pride prevents you from
putting out mediocrity
in anything you do
About the Author: Fardad Fateri
Dedicated to the advancement of student success, leadership development, and organizational excellence, Dr. Fardad Fateri has devoted his 30-year career to catalyzing innovation and transformation in American higher education.